Fronius is a leading solar inverter company based in Austria with a high quality energy monitoring panel called Solarweb. In this article I present how to hook into the Solarweb API to provide live energy data.
Solarweb provides a push API through the inverter datamanager card, this is problematic as it requires a dedicated web server to process and store data. In this article I explain how to use the existing solarweb API to retrieve live energy API data on-demand through a simple GET request.
In order to use the API we must first login to Solarweb, ensure the “keep me logged in” radio button is checked to create permanent session cookies (extracted later).

Save authentication cookies
Once logged in open your browsers inspector and locate the XHR tab, you should see new responses every 10 seconds.

Then isolate any single request.

Save the complete request URL (including parameters) and dump the raw header.

Testing API
Now we use Postman to send a GET request. Insert the raw headers into postman along with the full URL.

Now you can build apps using the Fronius live energy API. This end point is usually updated every 10 seconds.
Hello Edin,
I am a product manager at Fronius and responsible for the Solar.web APIs.
I saw your comment on twitter. Do you have any detailed feedback for us regarding the API? By the way we just released a new version of the API (called Solar.web Query API) which is currently in beta testing phase. Maybe we already fixed some issues that you found in the old one.
Please contact me if you want to get more information about the new API.
It help me a lot.
I made it work, even in the movile application “Automate”, but it only works for some minutes, then, its stop to work. Suppose to be because of the actuallization of the cookie.
Now I am triyiny to find other solutions…
After some checks, it seems that keep working id I remove the parameters from the URL
Sorry, delete my other reply, it does not work even deleting the parameter from the URL
How would this be possible to export the diagram information at the ? For one day
Analysis -> History -> Overall performance